June 26th: The Federal Credit Union Act of 1934

June 26, 2023

The history of credit unions in the United States took a monumental turn on June 26, 1934, when President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Federal Credit Union Act into law. This landmark legislation laid the groundwork for the establishment and operation of credit unions, enabling people from various walks of life to have better access to credit facilities.

Before the enactment of the Federal Credit Union Act, the Great Depression had wreaked havoc on the American economy. Banks had failed, unemployment was rampant, and credit was nearly inaccessible to the average citizen. In this backdrop, the need for alternative financial institutions that could provide credit to individuals and communities became evident.

Roosevelt, who had become President in 1933, implemented a series of reforms known as the New Deal, aimed at revitalizing the economy and providing relief to millions of Americans. The Federal Credit Union Act was an essential component of this broader strategy. The act encouraged the formation of credit unions, which are nonprofit financial cooperatives owned and operated by their members. These entities were designed to encourage thrift and create a source of credit for productive and provident purposes.

The signing of the Federal Credit Union Act by President Roosevelt was a historic moment that redefined the American financial landscape. It not only provided much-needed economic relief during one of the darkest periods in American history but also established a legacy of community-focused financial services that continues to flourish today.





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